TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD and Sequential | Improved feel [Thrustmaster TH8A/RS] (PC, PS, XBox)

(17 customer reviews)

 3,90 39,90

Awaken your passion for simracing with the TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD and Sequential. Harden your gear shifts and join the new era of precision and versatility in virtual driving simulation.


Take your simracing experience to new levels with the innovative TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD for the Thustmaster TH8A/RS. This upgrade not only transforms your TH8A, hardening the shift clutches 4 times more, bringing precision and authenticity to your virtual driving position, but also offers unprecedented versatility with simple and effective assembly.

Magnetic Attraction, ZERO WEAR

Thanks to revolutionary magnetic technology, the TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD completely eliminates friction, ensuring unparalleled durability and a wear-free driving experience. Concentrate only on the track, without worrying about maintenance.

Short and Long Shifter modes

Customize the feel of the shifter by choosing between short and long shifter modes during assembly. Adapt the upgrade to your riding preferences, achieving optimal control and a tailor-made driving sensation.

Accessory for Sequential Gearbox

Expand your driving options with the Sequential Shift accessory, available separately. Adapt it to your needs and complete your driving experience with a versatile solution. In Sequential / Handbrake mode you need to assign the right buttons in your game setup to take advantage of these functions; some games (especially older ones) on consoles do not allow the buttons to be reconfigured.

Transformation: Handbrake or Sequential Gearbox

Make the most of the central slider, using it to transform your gearbox into a handbrake or sequential gearbox. A single solution to expand your driving possibilities and adapt your station to the different challenges of the track.

Simplified assembly without greasing

Assembly is made even more efficient by following the official video tutorial. Be sure to follow the instructions step by step to get optimal performance from your new mod.

Feeling Upgrade with additional magnets

For those looking for an even more intense experience, shifting can be further hardened with 6 additional magnets, which can be purchased separately.


Porta la tua esperienza di simracing a nuovi livelli con l’innovativo TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD per il cambio Thustmaster TH8A/RS. Questo upgrade non solo trasforma il tuo cambio Thrustmaster, indurisce gli innesti di cambiata 4 volte di più, portando precisione e autenticità alla tua postazione di guida virtuale, ma offre anche una versatilità senza precedenti con un montaggio semplice e efficace.

Attrazione Magnetica, ZERO USURA

Grazie alla rivoluzionaria tecnologia magnetica, il TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD elimina completamente l’attrito, garantendo una durata senza pari e un’esperienza di guida senza usura. Concentrati solo sulla pista, senza preoccuparti di manutenzione.

Modalità Short e Long Shifter

Personalizza il feeling del cambio scegliendo tra le modalità short e long shifter durante il montaggio. Adatta l’upgrade alle tue preferenze di guida, ottenendo un controllo ottimale e una sensazione di guida su misura.

Accessorio per il Cambio Sequenziale

Espandi le tue opzioni di guida con l’accessorio cambio sequenziale, disponibile separatamente. Adattalo alle tue esigenze e completa la tua esperienza di guida con una soluzione versatile. In modalità Sequenziale / Freno a mano è necessario assegnare i pulsanti giusti nella configurazione di gioco per poter usufruire di queste funzioni; alcuni giochi (soprattutto se datati) su console non permetteno la riconfigurazione dei pulsanti.

Trasformazione: Freno a Mano o Cambio Sequenziale

Sfrutta al massimo il cursore centrale, utilizzandolo per trasformare il tuo cambio in un freno a mano o un cambio sequenziale. Un’unica soluzione per ampliare le tue possibilità di guida e adattare la tua postazione alle diverse sfide della pista.

Montaggio Semplificato senza ingrassaggio

Il montaggio è reso ancora più efficiente seguendo il video tutorial ufficiale. Assicurati di seguire le istruzioni passo dopo passo per ottenere prestazioni ottimali dalla tua nuova mod.

Feeling Upgrade con magneti aggiuntivi

Per coloro che cercano un’esperienza ancora più intensa, è possibile indurire ulteriormente la cambiata con 6 magneti aggiuntivi, acquistabili separatamente.

Risveglia la tua passione per il simracing con il TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD. Indurisci gli innesti del cambio e unisciti alla nuova era di precisione e versatilità nella simulazione di guida virtuale.

Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 2,5 cm

H Shifter KIT, H Shifter + Sequential KITs Plastic Plate, H Shifter + Sequential KITs Steel Plate, Sequential KIT Plastic Plate, Sequential KIT Steel Plate, Additional magnets

17 reviews for TH8A Magnetic “Mod Cambio” New-Gen Shifter MOD and Sequential | Improved feel [Thrustmaster TH8A/RS] (PC, PS, XBox)

  1. Lorenzo

    Questa piccola e insignificante modifica stravolge completamente il comportamento di qualunque th8.
    Provato sia su prodotti nuovi che su cambi così usurati da diventare quasi inutilizzabili.
    Non solo rinvigorisce il cambio ma da anche una piacevole sensazione di innesto marce.
    Se accoppiato con le placche di cambiocorto si ottiene un risultato davvero encomiabile.
    Sono molto soddisfatto.

  2. FERRO

    super sache schalt gefühl viel viel besser empfehle ich jedem TH8A hat !!!

  3. Greg (verified owner)

    Best mod for TH shifters, IT IS SIMPLY AMAZING. Bought it together with shift plate, completely transforms the shifter.

  4. Alberto

    La MOD ha passato il test in modo impeccabile. E’ praticamente perfetta e aumenta in modo considerevole il realismo durante le cambiate. Il montaggio è veloce ma non proprio facile e bisogna solo stare attenti a non fissare il blocco con la vite troppo vicino alla MOD altrimenti si rischia di ridurre la corsa della cambiata e di usurare la MOD stessa. Se non si è sicuri della distanza è meglio fare delle prove prima di rimontare il tutto.
    Con questa MOD il TH8A diventa il miglior Shifter attualmente in commercio.
    Soddisfazione assicurata.

  5. Tomas Csicso (verified owner)

    Just installed it yesterday.. perfect product and very quick delivery 🙂 thanks!

  6. Nicolas Villiers (verified owner)

    Very nice mod, impressive result.

  7. Freek (verified owner)

    Nice sturdy feel, not too tough, not too weak 🙂

  8. Clayton Valentine (verified owner)

    I’ve had the mod for over a week now and its working great. I wish the print was a little bit better but despite minor imperfections this is easily the best mod you can buy for your th8a. I find it to make this shifter feel very similar to the fanatec shifter. But honestly i like it Much better. Shift feeling is very even feeling and consistent with nice side to side movement. I recommend this to all th8a owners.

  9. Sérgio Chaves

    Top notch! Real good

  10. Raphael

    A must-have if you want to improve this spongy gearbox!

  11. Daniel Larsen (verified owner)


  12. Andrea (verified owner)

    ***Fate attenzione nella fase di montaggio, i 2 cavetti per far funzionare il sequenziale si dissaldano con molta facilità.***
    In passato ho avuto la versione precedente, con la 3.0 speravo in un miglioramento, ma mi sbagliavo.. Appena montata da una sensazione spettacolare, cambiate secche, decise e con una bella resistenza. Come in quella precedente dopotutto, di piu’ ha solo le regolazioni. purtroppo nelle marce in avanti (1,3,5) la cambiata è piu’ morbida e meno secca. (si ho montato correttamente la mod ed utilizzato la giusta quantità del giusto tipo di grasso se ve lo chiedete).
    Nel giro di poche ore (4/5) la mod comincia a perdere di efficacia, la differenza tra le cambiate in avanti ed indietro diventa piu’ marcata. Dopo circa 15/20 ore la mod non ha piu’ senso di esistere, dato che perde totalmente di efficacia e addirittura “frena” la corsa dell’asta, rendendola granulosa e per niente secca. Stesso problema della versione precedente purtroppo.. Mi son sempre trovato bene con i vari prodotti 3drap che ho acquistato nel tempo e mi dispiace dire che questa mod va migliorata e di MOLTO. La sconsiglio vivamente.

    • Beniamino Izzo

      Ciao Andrea, molto strano quello che è accaduto! Raccomandiamo di lubrificare sempre con del grasso le parti sottoposte a srisciamento. In ogni caso, per qualsiasi problema, contattaci :).

  13. Murray Melvin (verified owner)

    This does exactly what it says on the tin. I got one of these with my short-shift plate and combined, they make the normally loose-and-floppy TH8A a tight and precise machine.

    The mod is thoughtfully designed and well-engineered. I expect it’ll hold up much better than the solid-printed ones and is way less fiddly than the spring-loaded ball-bearing ones. The clamp it comes with is very secure and I never noticed any slipping.

    Unfortunately it’s really loud, even in the softest setting. It feels great but it’s *so* loud.

    Teammates and family members alike were complaining about the noise. And to be honest, even though it feels better, the loud clacking kind of takes away from the immersion. I found that I was mostly avoiding the shifter after I installed it so I finally (sadly) took it out. Maybe if I ever get a setup where noise doesn’t matter I’ll put it back in. Fortunately, the short-shift plate fixes 90% of the problems I was having with this shifter. The Mod Cambio was just the icing on the cake.

    All that said, if noise doesn’t matter to you, I highly recommend this mod.

    A note about installation: The wire for my shifter’s sequential sensor was zip-tied to the inside frame of the shifter with very little slack. I had to remove the bottom of the shifter to get access to the zip tie to cut it. Obviously not a huge deal but it does make the process a little longer and messier (lots of grease in there).

  14. David (verified owner)

    Very impressed with every aspect of this mod so far. The worst thing about the TH8A has always been its tactile feedback and this improvement corrects that flaw. The instructions were easy to find on youtube and the installations was fast and easy. I was also very happy with 3DRAP’s shipping and packaging. This company feels a lot more solid and legit than others who are making similar items. BTW, I’m using the Mod Cambio on its lightest setting. It just feels so good that way and provides plenty of feedback. Don’t think heavy is the way to go 100% all the time.

  15. Travis (verified owner)

    It really does add the perfect amount of chunkyness to the feel of engaging gears after messing with the different possible setups included. I see the review mentioning noise, it is noisy, but I already have a T-248 which has loud paddle shifters so it weirdly balanced out.
    I really didn’t like how floaty the TH8A shifter felt when every other component felt solid. I would probably take it out if I were into competitive sim racing, but I am a long ways away from that.

  16. umbin (verified owner)

    i’m korean. this item is not yet in use. but I was surprised by the fast delivery. it took only four days to arrive

  17. Alex83 (verified owner)

    I owned the previous mod and drove it for quite some time. Today I received the new version and couldn’t help but put it in immediately. It is a night and day difference! Even though fitting was quite hard – I had to watch the video 10 times and couldn’t fit the nuts into the not so well printed housing without using pliers. I also couldn’t mount the mod onto the gear stick with the original grub screw slightly screwed in the housing, I had to take it off, mount the mod, then align it with the hole of the housing of the TH8A and screw in the grub screw from the outside. I also could not for the life of me press the other nut in the housing of the mod, there simply wasn’t enough space. I hope, it still holds the two parts together. It all sounds confusing, but once you have to mount the mod yourself, you will understand. Nevertheless, shifting gears was never so much fun! Together with the new clutch mod it is so much fun to shift gears, I couldn’t believe it! Gone are the times of loud clacky and unprecise shifting. In the last 4h of playing, I didn’t misshift even once. It feels so nice and precise! Apart from bad montage, this product is awesome! Do yourself a favor and get the additional magnets, too. I didn’t try it without as I’m lazy, but with them it feels so amazing to shift through all the gears your virtual car can offer. No problems at all with recognition of gears, too.

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